Friday, December 28, 2012


A night before the first session...and now we are into the fifth session

Workshop Sessions  for 2013

  • 3rd Session: 23 February 2013 (successfully conducted)
  • 4th Session:27 April 2013(successfully conducted)
  • 5th Session:13 July 2013 (registration is now open...)

Shah's Village Hotel,  Petaling Jaya

RM500/partcipant( for a company with at least 2 participants  in the same session)

Contact details to register


E-mail:      or
log on to for the registration form.


I started this program in the end of 2012 with the ultimate goal to assist the regulator to increase the number of REEMs in the current market which is still insufficient to ensure compliance towards the Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008. It was announced by the regulator recently that as at December 2012, only 207 REEMs registered with them and there are about 1,500 installations have to comply to the regulations. 

Together with MAESCO, we had two sessions in September and October 2012. Now  I intend  to expand this program to be conducted at more platforms to enable it to reach more people who may be benefit from it.

Actually,I believe there are many people out there with experiences and qualified to apply but still unsure on how much they have met the requirements and how exactly to put all that in writing in the application form. Some even have the idea of  it would be easy to get registered, the interview and examination would be very tough to pass and many other perceptions that make them not applying.

It the workshop, me myself with assistance from 1-2 more REEM will share our experiences from the beginning of the application process until the interview session  by the panelist.I will also will share my direct experiences in evaluating the applications and as one of the panelists for the interview session. The whole idea of the outline program as indicated below is to guide the candidates in the application process and to build their confidence to submit if they have met the minimum requirements according to the regulations. 

  • Companies affected by the enforcement of Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 - for those interested to get their internal personnel to get registered
  • Training providers who are interested to  add new program into their training calenders
  • Individuals and consultants who are interested to offer REEM services to existing and new clients

By the end of the workshop the participants would be able to:
      prepare a completed application form to become A Registered Electrical Energy Manager
      prepare for an interview by Energy Commission
with the comprehensive step-by-step guidelines and tips by the workshop leader

9.00 a.m
9.15 a.m
1. Overview on key provisions in  Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
10.15 a.m
Morning Break
10.30 a.m
2. Evaluation criteria for application to register as electrical energy manager  under Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
  • Scoring system
  • Experiences in efficient management of energy
  • Submission of report on energy saving projects
3. Workshop
  • Tips to complete application form
  • Tips to prepare energy saving report
1.00 p.m

2.00 p.m
4. Tips to prepare for the interview
3.00 p.m
Tea Break
3.15 p.m
  • Practical  exercise/simulation( facilitated by 2 other experienced REEMs)
  • Remarks and lessons to learn
Wrap up session and Conclusion

5.00 p.m
End of  program


  • Trainers are certified by PMSB and qualified companies eligible to claim from HRDF
  • Materials requirements
    •  Sample of  report(s) For Energy Saving Project by each participant(to be used for the workshop)
    •  A copy empty application form for REEM  registration by each participant –  can be downloaded from (to be used for the workshop)
  • No guarantee to get registered with Energy Commission since the result of the application  will depend on the actual performance of the candidate in the interview session by the Energy Commission 
  • Available for in-house and public programs


  •  5-10 participants
  • Venue, LCD Projector,  Food and Beverages – to be provided by the hosting company
  • Workshop notes  from the trainer
  • 10-20 participants
  • Venue, LCD Projector, Food and Beverages – to be provided by the organizer
  • Workshop notes  from the trainer
The number of participants for each session is limited to ensure more interaction and facilitation by the the workshop leader and other facilitators.

Further inquiries can be forwarded to  or  to contact me at 0192152700



Mr. Zaini Abdul Wahab started his career as energy efficiency (EE) consultants  in 1997  for  local and multinational consulting firms and assigned to secure and deliver services to industrial and commercial clients.

He joined Energy Commission of Malaysia in 2004 and then promoted to head the Demand Side Management (DSM)to regulate, develop and promote EE  industry in Malaysia from the head office in 2007. Among his key responsibilities in Energy Commission was preparing the strategic implementation and enforcement plan for the Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008, technical evaluation for EE and RE projects for fiscal incentives under MIDA, EE capacity building programs for industrial and building sectors and standard and labeling for electrical appliances.

He  was deeply involved in the preparation of  the  evaluation criteria for application to become a registered electrical energy manager(REEM) and was one of the panelists for the interview sessions for qualified applicants from 2009 until 2010 when he was the head of the DSM Unit in Energy Commission.

Then Mr. Zaini was  appointed by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water(KeTTHA) as one of the key experts to prepare and propose strategic energy efficiency  initiatives in the National Key Economic Area (NKEA)  Lab by PEMANDU under Oil, Gas and Energy Sector(OGE)  for Economic Transformation Program (ETP) in Jun-July 2010. Then he was assigned  to Head the special Project Unit to implement energy efficiency initiatives under the Entry Point Project 9(EPP9), OGE, ETP at KeTTHA  from  January until  August 2011. In the same time he was extensively involved in the strategic national policy and legislation development for EE  and conservation with the ministry as the key technical resource person.

Mr. Zaini became the Director of Energy Efficiency at Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia to continue leading national  EE  initiatives under  ETP and also as the key resource person in the drafting of  the proposed EE & Conservation Act by KeTTHA.

Now Mr. Zaini is the Director of Operation at Connecsys Sdn Bhd, a company specializing in investments, consultancy and advisory for total energy conservation and renewable energy projects solutions & implementation.

He is a registered consultant with Asia Development Bank and an elected committee member in the Malaysia Association of Energy Service Company(MAESCO). In capacity building programs, Mr. Zaini is  an expert  trainer  for MAESCO’s energy management training courses  and  in Industrial Energy Efficiency for Malaysian Manufacturing Sector Program  organized  by  United Nation Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO)  from 2012.

  •  Sustainable Energy Management System development and ISO 50001: Energy Management System(EnMS) requirements for organizations;
  • Energy efficiency and conservation regulatory framework and policy development for countries  and organizations;
  • Planning, development and conducting capacity building programs in energy management & energy efficiency applications and technologies.
  • Energy auditing, measurement, monitoring of energy performance and utility cost analysis for industrial and commercial buildings; and
  • Technical evaluation  of energy conservation projects;

  •  Registered Electrical Energy Manager with Energy Commission (PTE-0016/2012)
  • Certified Trainer by Human Resource Development Fund(HRDF)
  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering(Hons),UKM.

Fourth Batch on 27 April 2013

Third Batch on 23 February 2013

Simulation of interview session with experienced REEMs as panelists


Tips for report writing for submission

Practical: Interview session by REEMs

First batch


Practical: Answering interview questions

second batch

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How much energy cost can we save for government buildings?

I did some information gathering from presentations slides by the regulator and ministry which were shared through public events and I managed to summarize my findings and estimation of potential energy cost savings as the shown in the table above.

From 128 buildings, the total electricity bills is approximately RM630 millions per year and the total is about RM2.7 billions per year. With a very conservative target at about 10% savings per year, the government would be able to save electricity cost at RM63 millions and RM270 millions respectively. Based on many case studies, the 10% could be achieved through low-no cost measures and by the implementation of energy management system the organization.

Refrofitting projects to save energy costs for existing buildings by the government could be very costly and this is where the private sector could take part by investing and get paid  from the actual cost savings achieved through Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) model.

From the above numbers, we also would understand why some parties questioned the potential savings from LED lighting at government buildings at RM800 millions per year as announced by the YB Minister at one of his press conferences recently. It look like the whole lamps has to be switched off to get that amount of expected savings and based on this gathered data and estimated potentials, we can say that it is impossible. Surely , the minister is  unhappy since I believe  his statement was based on advice and information forwarded to him from his ministry.

Now , we go back to the main point here. There are potentials for energy savings in government's building facilities and the platform should be provided for  interested parties like ESCOs to play their roles.

Below are some key points, recommendations and proposed support measures to the government to enable EPC to work at government  buildings as I presented at the Seminar on Energy Efficiency Initiatives for Government Buildings , 19 December 2012, PWTC Kuala Lumpur.


q  To create a special revolving  fund for EPC Projects with lower interest rates – to kick-off and develop the EPC market
q  Development of in-house capacity in technical & financial evaluation of EE&EC Projects for
q  Authorized agency
q  financial institutions
q  Development and acceptance of standard technical evaluation, monitoring and performance verification criteria for EE&EC Projects
q  With by technical  experts from  recognized professional/industry bodies/ associations
q  Development of and acceptance of standard  evaluation for funding and risk assessment criteria for EE&EC Projects
q  Sharing  of experiences in successful investments in EPC projects through seminars/dialogues
       (results, payback period) from people in business community who have experienced it
       Criteria of viable EE projects
       Competency of ESCOs

The Conclusion

q  EPC
ü  The potentials in Malaysia is still relatively “UNTAPPED”
ü  Interested parties must have the same understanding & goals on how to make EPC works
ü  ESCOs must have/develop  competency & capability  to ensure successful EPC projects implementation
ü  More successful EPC projects are required to attract more attention of building owners & banks/investors

Presenting on EPC process

The audience: From biggest electricity users of government buildings

To summarize the impacts of EPC, I have outlined it at the end of my presentation in the slide below.

In short, EPC is not only about the tool to save energy costs or government's money(people's money), it could also contribute in the economic development in the way forward and protecting the environment for our future generations.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) for Energy Conservation Project Implementation

EPC is making its way into government's buildings but met with some bureaucratic hurdles from within the government.

First EPC Workshop by KeTTHA on 31 May 2011 at Shang Ri La Hotel Putrajaya for Public Universities

Now, while the bureaucracy issues findings its way towards a solution, let us have some basic understanding what is this EPC all about and why it could become significant in exploiting the potentials of energy cost reduction in government building facilities.

What is Energy Performance Contracting?
In simple terms,
EPC is a project approach that utilizes the energy savings and revenue gains to pay for the project cost.             
- Land-of-Sky Regional Council, USA.

Who can perform EPC project?
EPC is performed by an entity generally known as Energy Service Company (ESCO) which  Develop and implement turnkey, comprehensive energy efficiency projects. ESCOs offer performance-based contracts (i.e., contracts that tie the compensation of the ESCO to the energy savings generated by the project) as a significant part of their business.
ESCOs must also demonstrate the ability to provide the full range of services required for a comprehensive energy efficiency project covering:
  • Energy Audit
  • Consultancy
  • Design of energy efficient systems
  • Implementation Project Financing
  • Implementation and Project Management
  •  Construction management
  • Energy performance monitoring and verification performance
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Operation and maintenance
The Second EPC Workshop by KeTTHA for Government Agencies on 22 June 2011 at KeTTHA Office

How to make EPC works?
To have a workable EPC implementation, the procurement process must suit the EPC business model and process flow and to have that the government officers and decision makers responsible to manage EPC must understand what is EPC and how it can work. EPC cannot be treated like a typical conventional procurement of products or services by the government. Some have tried using the typical tendering process but failed and one the reasons is... no ESCOs were interested due to impractical conditions and limitations. For example, a detailed energy audit it a costly exercise and no one would be willing to performed it with no certainty that they will be awarded the EPC contract.

Secondly, feasible EPC projects are only about installing new energy efficient equipment or installing energy saving devices and thirdly, the sharing from the achieved savings between the ESCO and the client must be from the actual and measured performance rather than from the calculated quantity when the proposal was made and agreed.

A full fledged EPC player in shared-savings model should have the capacity to perform the full scope works involved in the EPC itself.It is very crucial to gauge the commitment of the prospects from the beginning if they are really keen on EPC model to save energy costs at their facilities. Normally they are keen due the so called Zero Cost concept when actually the whole process is not really zero cost. Energy audit is a cost as well as the implementation and followed by the monitoring, measurement of energy performance to establish baselines and actual savings, operation and maintenance of affected energy using systems.

The beauty part of EPC from the building owners' point of view is there is actually Zero cost upfront especially in energy audit and investment for the implementation. They just need to pay back all the costs incurred in the whole process purely from the actual savings achieved from the energy saving measures implemented by ESCO.

In normal cases of EPC, it would take quite a long time to get everyone on the same page on EPC concept although all parties have indicated their interest from the start because in most cases too, the final decision is not with the technical personnel( as always).This lengthy  process and discussions to reach and agree with the contract's conditions with the ESCO and key decision makers at the client's side is to avoid future disputes especially when the payment to be made to the ESCO which will involve so many questions on the measurement and verification of savings.

In fact,  we also need to be very clear on the actual savings achieved's  definition. I came across facilities owners signed EPC contracts based on actual savings achieved but it is purely from theoretical calculations for certain period of time. In EPC, ESCOs should be paid or rewarded based on the actual performance and that actual performance must be based measured data from the agreed baselines which is also based on measured indicators at agreed operating conditions.

EPC is not just about a technical exercise which involves technical solutions and paying back from the savings achieved from it. To make it happen, one more important element is to gain the trust and confidence of the prospects that EPC will benefits them in more than just energy cost reduction.EPC could also be seen one way to let ESCO as the expert to perform the energy management tasks for the client and ESCO to play significant roles that will make them as a strategic partner rather than just as a service provider or product supplier.
With the average 5-7 years of typical EPC contract period, a lot to consider before it can be signed by both parties especially on the ESCO's side when so much risks at stake when investment made.

On top of that it is also crucial to determine the viability to invest under EPC. This is what happened few years ago when a government agency tried to implement EPC as a pilot project and later did not manage to attract any single ESCO to participate. Then they reviewed the contract period to make it more feasible but unfortunately the tendering process do not suit the EPC business model...still unclear what will happen next since they are still pursuing it until today.

To my knowledge and experiences, 3-5 years period is only suitable for certain measures at small or medium scale of investments...and it would not be a comprehensive solutions too if you we are talking about office buildings with typical operations in less than 12 hours daily.

Yes, the real challenge is how ESCO can recoup their investments and making profits at agreed period.This is actually the most tricky part of EPC and will lead to one big question..HOW CONFIDENT OF THE ESCO TO GUARANTEE THE PROJECTED SAVINGS FROM WHAT THEY PROPOSED TO THE CLIENT?...this type of question normally comes from the decision makers especially from financial controllers and also the possible financiers...the failure to convince them may end up with the big NO for them to proceed and even they agree to will open to further disputes when actual performance to be verified...when invoice is sent to them to pay from the savings claimed by ESCO that has been achieved.
Most users prefer not have EPC financing to be in their balance sheet and in the same time, they need to be educated on long term benefits and risks on ESCOs when they invested through EPC shared saving mechanism.

To my knowledge, there are not many comprehensive contracts being implemented by ESCOs  in the current market even though  in the private sector. Most of them are focused on certain solutions such as HVAC and lighting for commercial buildings. There some EPC contracts involved technologies called as energy saving device where it is claimed to save energy when installed at certain points in the internal electricity distribution systems.

For government sector , more need to be done to educate different level of people in the administration and decision making.  Series of consultations, workshops, dialogues and discussions have been taken place for the past 2 years to promote EPC model which will also ease the financial burdens of the government in managing its utility costs and to source extra budgets to implement energy conservation measures.  At least MoF has accepted the idea and has been formalized through the creation of a new code for ESCO. Payment to ESCOs also is allowed to be made under EPC by utilizing existing payment codes for the expenditure and quite number of relevant people in JKR have started some initiatives  to move towards EPC for the purpose of implementing energy conservation project.  Now the focus must be more on the actual target groups which is the management or the owners of government buildings facilities itself.

The Malaysia Association of Energy Service Companuies(MAESCO) was invited by Energy Commission to  present a paper titled Energy  Performance Contracting at the Seminar on Energy Efficiency Initiatives for Government Buildings on 19th December 2012 at Putra World Trade Centre. The seminar is aimed to create awareness and generate interests form the targeted audience who are  representatives  biggest users of electricity users among government buildings on energy conservation opportunities and options to implement energy conservation projects such as through EPC model. This is a good move by the regulator and MAESCO, which I am going to represent as the  speaker at the seminar, will continue to support this efforts especially to educate the users on EPC and how EPC would lead to win-win scenarios for public and business community in private sectors.

Letter of invitation from Energy Commission to MAESCO to present on EPC topic

I am looking forward to presenting at the seminar and to gauge more feedback and comments on the way forward to promote EPC in the public sector since the EPC market in this sector has been almost untapped.

Effectiveness of REEM in Malaysia (Part 3):Types of REEM

1. To become a REEM under EMEER 2008, you do not have to a technical specialist or specialized in other areas in EE.Then, appointment of REEM by any company for the purpose of compliance only will not gurantee any energy cost reduction yet. However, being a specialist in certain areas especially on how to identify and implement energy cost saving measures definitely will bring more values to companies appointed them as REEM at their facilities.

2. Now I would like to elaborate further on what type of REEM that anyone possibly could be. To be realistic too, monetary factor would be one of the key factor among others. 

3. Another key factor is what is the market(installations affected by EMEER 2008) expects from REEMs which very much depending on how they see the implementation of the law as I indicated in the previous post.

4. I am not trying to which one is right or wrong  but would like to bring the attention to achieve goals from the implementation of EMEER 2008 other than potentials business opportunities.

5. The above figure is how I anticipate the scope of services that could be offered and roles to be played by REEMs as further described as follows:

  • Compliance Services

6. To me, when monetary benefit is the ultimate goal by being REEM, promising to ensure the basic compliance requirements is met would match the need of companies which have the same interest. For these type of REEMs, their scope will only require them to be appointed by the company and sign the declaration form (Form B) in every six months. All EEM works generally will be up to the company with appointed REEM will provide minimal inputs. 

7. With the minimum works required, fees for this type of scope normally will be minimum too and extra scopes will require the company to be charged separately upon request by the company. There will be no fixed commitment such as of number of visits, type of reporting or details of service level agreement by the REEM. With  this approach, one REEM would be able to offer their service to many companies.

8. I do hear now  some companies that are now questioning the value REEMs appointed by them who are not really doing much to help them to save energy despite being paid a fixed fee every month.For some companies, they are all right with it since that is exactly their requirement, just to comply to EMEER 2008.

9. For this type of scope, generally REEMs are not required to be well-versed in overall concept of energy management and even in energy conservation measures too because they do not expect themselves to  deliver that although their client may(indirectly due to the minimum fee agreed).

  • Efficient Energy Management(EEM)Services  

10.This is an enhanced scopes of REEM with the key addition is about assisting the company to have a comprehensive energy management system(EnMS) implemented at agreed time frame.The energy management system will cover both management and technical solutions that finally will lead to reduction of energy consumption and costs.This may involve adoption of recognized energy management standards such as ISO50001 standard.

11. REEMs who are able to offer this EEM services have to be familiar on the key concepts of EnMS from the development, implementation and evaluation for  continual improvement.Bear in mind the goal is not about to lead or to get the company to be certified but to have a system in place within the company that would enable them to achieve their energy targets and then sustain it with or without REEM. The effective implementation EnMS is expected to enable the company to save energy costs at NO or LOW cost measures to start with before they can embark into bigger  financial investments on energy saving measures which will lead them  to have more significant savings.

12. REEMs are expected to be more involved with the company and for easier understanding of commitment required from both parties, REEMs are advisable to prepare and submit their energy management plan to develop and implement EnMS which to be mutually agee by both of them too.

13. Since there will more roles and time to be spend, we expect higher fees to be proposed and justified by REEM to their potential clients  and then to convince them to accept the proposed scopes.

14. Normally , if both parties agreed with the proposed plan and fees, REEMs have the biggest challenge to deliver to justify fees that being charged.This is because, the company will have some more inputs at the later stage after the appointment made from their contacts on scope that being offered by other REEMS for compliance alone.

15. The failure of REEMs to prove their value to their clients with have significant impact on the perception of affected company towards  other REEMs since with this type of scopes, REEMs are expected to be specialist sin EnMS or energy efficiency measures who will advise and guide the company in efficient management of energy.

  • EEM mentor
16.  Further  the services offered for the above two types of REEMs, EEM Mentor would have the  approach and strategy to deliver our REEM services to  cover the following:

  • REEM will identify competency requirements and develop in-house competencies through  training programs  on EnMS and EE related topics;and
  • REEM will be a mentor to for in-house candidates  who will  apply to be a REEM with Energy Commission  and will assume the functions and duties as REEM after  the appointed external REEM services contract ended
The external REEM may play advisory roles or for specialized services upon request by the company on need basis.

Generally, this type of REEMs would only willing to be appointed at certain numbers of companies only at one particular duration which will make them eligible to offer their services at 3-4 companies at one time.This is due to the need for them to give due attention to each company which require constant assistance and guidance before REEM's tasks could be finally handed over to the in-house REEM towards the end of their contract

At this stage, it is hard to gauge what type REEMs are currently the majority in the market since the actual scope of services is only known between REEMs and their respective clients. As someone who currently holds that REEM registration and to those who have intention to get one, it is entirely up to you to decide what type of REEM are you or you will be.

Me??? I am offering either EEM or EEM mentor services only.