Monday, March 22, 2010

Conveying the energy efficiency messages

1. It has been a very challenging tasks to anyone to tell people to use energy efficiently when they still can afford to settle their energy bills in their daily life.

2. Being in my position at this moment has given me more and bigger platforms to promote on why it is so important for us to use our energy wisely.

3, I have gone all over the country and presented papers on various topics n efficient use of energy. From every event that I went, I would able to gauge the general perception of Malaysian on energy issues related to them especially for big energy users from industrial and commercial sectors.

4. Generally, I would see it as not so much about the issues on the technical know-how or their engineering capability to identify the potentials to save energy and implement them.

5. Another common perception is, energy savings are all about installing devices and that will cost them too much. In the end, they tend to ignore on how energy is being managed in their premises and focus is more on other matters related to the core businesses such as production and delivering services to their customers.

6. Energy efficiency always being treated as project or program with its own planned activities and I strongly believe that is one major reason why it is not becoming sustainable. Projects or programs have their own duration and followed by commitments throughout that duration inclusive of financial supports, human resources and etc.
Ideally, there will be follow ups and improvement after each project but very often to see that the supports and commitment needed would not be the same as what were received during the project duration which normally very much less or none. In a long run, no matter how good were the findings or outputs of the projects, it will slowly being forgotten and it will not be impossible for the same project to carried out again in the future by the same (different management team)or different organizations .

7. Total Quality Management, Total Production Management and Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management are common features in most companies at this moment. Energy management normally just apart of environmental management system such as in ISO140001 in most organizations. Most company policies will include Quality and Production which are considered as core areas in the business while safety, health and environment are implemented mainly due to legal requirements and also covered in corporate policies in some prominent or multinational companies.

8. Generally, energy management can be considered as "optional" or ignored by many companies and the energy costs is just something need to be paid. It is often looked "as it is" and almost nothing can be done other than paying it or you will trouble with the utility companies. Sometime they don't even know what tariff that they are in and what they are paying for in every month but all of them are so worry about paying more when there is any tariff hike.

9. Why? It is simply because energy is often not integrated in every part of other management components such as production, quality and others. It is also because energy efficiency has been treated as projects or products and do not require to be implemented is a sustainable manner. Therefore, it does not require total management approaches like other core areas in the organization.

10. I always said to my audiences that even a building which designed as an energy efficient building from the beginning until its completion, it would not be able to be efficient by itself. It needs to managed and it require a management approach to sustain its efficiency level as expected from the design.

11. Energy must be managed if we want to ensure that we want to use it efficiently. Energy management is just like any other area which require the development and the implementation of the system which can make it sustainable. Key components in the management of energy must be tailored and implemented to the needs of each organization and based on resources can be allocated to achieve the management's goals.

12. Having the management system implemented in the organization will ensure the efficient use of energy at all level of employees and in event of the management team changed, the system will remain as apart of one of the core and strategic matters.

13. When I was a consultant and worked with all level of technical personnel in the plant, energy saving measures managed to identified mainly from the input of them. In other words, they can find it themselves with necessary support from the management such as trainings and allocation of resources and time.

14. As a conclusion, energy management system is the key issue here. As I mentioned earlier, it is no so much of the technical barriers and capability to identify and implement energy saving measures but it is more of the change of mindset to adopt energy management across all department or sections in the organization. Energy need to be seen as rewarding as the increase of sales or production volumes because the fact is ONE RINGGIT SAVED IS ONE RINGGIT EARNED. Please bear in mind that the RINGGIT SAVED can be achieved by doing something within our absolute controls which is our very own organization!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Introductory Program for Efficient Management of Energy in Malaysia

Main Target groups:
1. Engineers, middle and top management personnel of all installations affected by the Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008.
2. Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), Consultants, O&M service providers and individuals with roles that can be played in the implementation of the regulations such as energy auditing, developing and implementing energy saving programs, monitoring and providing energy manager services for the purpose of compliance to the regulations.
3. Individuals interested to understand the requirements and application process to become registered electrical energy manager with Energy Commission

Main objectives:
1. To understand the present energy scenario in Malaysia and ways to deal with in possible energy price increase;
2. To obtain in depth understanding on the newly implemented Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 and the application procedure to become electrical energy manager( applicable to installations using more than 3millions kWh in six consecutive months after 15 December 2008);
3. Achieving energy savings from developing and implementing energy management system in a company;
4. To understand the energy audit methods and to reduce to conduct energy audit;
5. To understand method to evaluate energy saving project and common energy saving measures.


Duration : One Day

9.00 a.m - Introduction and Overview of the program

9.15 a.m - Energy Scenario in Malaysia
-Energy policies
-Overview and projected energy supply and demand
-Major energy efficiency initiatives in Malaysia

10.15 a.m - Morning Break

10.30 a.m - Laws And Regulations In Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy
-Key provisions in current acts and regulations related to energy efficiency
-Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
-Requirements to become registered electrical energy manager
-Opportunities from the implementation of the regulations

12.00 p.m - Introduction to Energy Management
-Energy management system(EMS) : Key components and the development of EMS
-Strategies in the implementation of EMS
-Roles and responsibilities of energy managers

1.00 p.m -Lunch

2.00 p.m - Introduction to Energy Auditing
-Types of audit
-Energy audit methodology and energy audit equipment
-Energy audit reporting
-Who should conduct energy audit and how to reduce cost to conduct energy audit

3.00 p.m -Tea Break

3.15 p.m - Evaluation of energy saving projects
-Electricity consumption analysis (bill and demand charges)
-Technical and financial evaluation of Energy Efficiency Projects
-Financing options : Sources and incentives
-Common energy saving measures

5.00 p.m - End of Program

Duration : Half Day

9.00 a.m - Laws And Regulations In Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy
-Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
-Requirements to become a registered electrical energy manager

10.15 a.m- Morning Break

10.30 a.m- Introduction to Energy Management
-Energy management system(EMS) : Key components and the development of EMS
-Strategies in the implementation of EMS
-Roles and responsibilities of energy managers

12.00 p.m - Introduction to Energy Auditing
-Types of audit and methodology
-Energy audit equipment
-Energy audit report
-Common energy saving measures

1.00 p.m - End of Program


Career Summary

He hold a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UKM and started his career in 1997. He has worked as energy efficiency consultants and integrated facility management services providers in local and multinational firms to service the industrial and commercial clients. Then he joined the regulator currently to spearhead the regulatory duties in energy efficiency in Malaysia from the head office in Kuala Lumpur.

His areas of expertise and experiences include the followings:
-Energy auditing for industrial and commercial building facilities.
-Energy Management System development and training;
-Energy efficiency standard development and labeling;
-Measurement and monitoring of energy performance and utility cost analysis;
-Technical evaluation of energy conservation projects to apply for fiscal incentives on energy efficiency; and
-Energy efficiency awareness and promotions program.

He has been involved in workshops, trainings and courses at other countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and India pertaining to the efficient use of energy. Regularly invited as a speaker in energy efficiency related trainings and presenting papers in local seminars, courses workshops and training programs such as:
-Energy Management Training Courses for Energy Managers by local Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and industrial associations
-Seminars For Efficient Management Of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
-Seminars on Promoting Energy Efficiency through Government Incentives.
-Energy Management Training For Technical Personnel For Government Agencies
-In-house energy management training covering legislation, energy management system and energy auditing.

A technical committee member:
-Energy audit for government buildings
-Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects
-National Energy Efficiency Master Plan Preparation
-Relamping program for Putrajaya and Cyberjaya
-Phasing out incandescent lamps project for Malaysia
-Workings groups in energy efficiency criteria and standard development for industrial equipment and domestic appliances


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


These are some areas that I believe can be exploited with the

implementation of the new regulations.

i) Energy auditing services – energy audit as one of requirements in the regulations which need to be performed by the energy manager

ii) Credible Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) – to support the energy management initiatives to large energy users ( training, audit, implementation, measuring and monitoring)

iii) Measurements and verifications equipment and services – capacity to perform analysis for energy data, measurements and data for verification purposes

iv)Energy management training needs and – training providers to energy auditors, energy managers, measurements and verification functions

v) To create more interest for careers in energy efficiency field and energy efficient technologies

The roles to be played by private sectors in that areas will provide the much needed support by the government to ensure the success from the implementation of the regulations. That definitely will help theaffected companies to comply to the requirements of the law and themost importantly is to ensure their energy to be managed efficiently

which will result in lowering the costs of running their businesses.

It has been always a dream for me personally to the field energy efficiency as another attractive career opportunities as we can see in occupational safety with the introduction of Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA) in the country some years ago.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1. I have been in this energy efficiency or energy management field for almost the whole years of my career so far. The only difference is I have been in a different organizations since I started in 1997.

2. It is a very promising field. That was the thought that I strongly believe in myself when decided to start my career in it last time. One thing that I was told and from what I saw that time and the following years was about the introduction of the new law that will require qualified people in energy efficiency will be certified by the authority for the purpose to implement the law.

3. Nothing actually happen after that and the new law has been non issue among the industry players after that when there was no strong signal after few years of big buzz in the market. I remember that time when many companies and individuals were willing to pay around RM5-6k to attend energy management trainings with the impression that will be a ticket to be an energy manager under the law. After all that has been one of the strategies by training providers to get more prospects to sign up for their program.

4. I moved from one place to another but in the line of my career, energy management always there as apart of my scope of works especially when I was am energy efficiency consultant. In the same time I been keeping in touch with the people who were still involved in the same line of industry. I saw many of them gave up and shifted to another line of career over the years and few of them remain in the business until today although they are struggling.

5. It was a tough time for those involved in this energy efficiency business since the first time I entered the field. After sometime I realized that it is not easy to be in a business or industry which not being regulated by the government.vFinally , it was announced that the new law named Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 will be implemented and its effective date is from 15 December 2008.

6. I remember there were so much confusion and disbelief within people whom I know and some part of the industry about the newly introduced law. Some were not even believe it that the law was really in place officially since talks about it has been there for years already.

7. I observed and received may comments and remarks related to the law especially about the qualifications to be registered to be an electrical energy manager. Quite a number of individuals and groups in the industry expressed their displeasure and disagreement over the matter especially for those who have invested to attend the training last time but not even qualified to apply just because they do not have a degree as a mandatory requirements. Some even have doubt on how serious the government want to enforce the law especially the main concern lately is more on recovering from the economic crisis.

8. I prefer to look more on the benefits and positive sides from the implementation of the law. In general, the law is about to ensure big energy users to manage their electrical energy efficiently. Comparing the development of energy efficiency industry in other countries, it become more successful when the government started to include it as a national policy and having specific laws as tools to achieve the policy. Having a law, means that the industry will start to be regulated where those affected must comply according to the provisions of the law itself. Naturally, it will trigger and serving as a major force for those related in energy efficiency in many ways.

9. Here are some main key provisions and requirements in the newly introduced regulations:

i. The requirement to submit information to the regulator such as policy related to efficient management of electrical energy, information and documents related to energy management of the installation.
ii.The appointment of registered energy manager by affected consumers and generators

iii. Prescribed duties of registered electrical energy manager such as to perform energy audit, develop and implement energy saving activities, monitoring and record keeping.

iii. the requirement to state the energy saving measures and explanation if measures not implemented in the regular report to the regulator(every six month)

iv. the requirement to have experiences in efficient management of electrical energy to be qualified to apply as a registered electrical energy manager.

10. Based on my personal understanding and assessment of all the above points, there are so many opportunities in each of it. Anyone who has been in the industry should look into that and figure out which area can be exploited based on their own type of services and expertise.

I will elaborate more on the opportunities available for everyone with the implementation of this law from my personal opinion in my next posting. InsyaAllah.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Developing in house personnnel to save energy

1. I have been involved in energy management at the start of my career as an energy consulting engineer. One of our services was to conduct energy audit for our clients. On top of that we were also conducting training on how to perform energy audit to various level of technical personnel.

2. Later I joined a facility management company and one of our services is to provide operation and maintenance services for facilities equipment such as air conditioning and compressed air systems, lighting and etc. During my tenure as a facility engineer in a manufacturing plant, I have full control on all day to day operational and maintenance works for all that equipment. With my knowledge and experiences in energy management previously as a consultant, it took me little time to apply my know-how to save energy at that plant. It did not take me too long to show the result for energy saving measures that I implemented since I have all the resources to do that. Using available data that has been collected as apart of O&M data collection, I developed a simple format to use the collected data and later presented it to the management to indicating results of my efforts.One of simple measure that showed significant result was a optimizing the operation hours of each chiller based on chilled water requirement throughout the day.

3. In the same time I personally trained 2 of my technicians who were very experienced and familiar in running, maintaining and even repairing some of there equipment. My job became much easier when they were involved because they could see additional contributions that they can deliver other than they routine O&M works.

4. When I did more works as energy efficiency consultant for more manufacturing plant and commercial buildings after that, I can conclude that it would be more cost effective if existing resources or internal personnel could be utilized to perform energy management related tasks. I remember charging at least RM20-30 thousands just to perform energy audit for a medium size plant or building.

5. Throughout the energy audit exercise key technical personnel in each plant or building involved with me so much especially in getting data required and for me to understand on each process and how they run they facilities equipment. The later part of the job is to recommend energy saving measures based on my understanding of all that and data that I have analyzed.

6. At some points of my works as a consultant, I had thoughts that why couldn't they do that themselves since they are the one who know more than anybody else about their equipment and they are willing so pay much to consultants like us to do that. Yes, they are some areas where consultants may have their own expertise but some of them are purely based on they existing data and input obtained from the clients especially personnel at the floors.

7. I did asked some of them and typical answers mainly are they are too occupied with their daily tasks and never being trained to do it. I know some of them who are technically very good and competent which normally make my job much easier with their input and helps. However, they main focus is only to ensure all equipment under their care to run without interruption with no or very little attention being given to ensure it run a the most efficient ways possible.

8. Some prominent companies especially MNCs do have their trained personnel to develop and implement energy management initiatives in their plant and normally their plant give a consultants like us much more challenging time to come up with something more than what they have already done.

9. Japan is a country with so many successful stories utilizing employees in factories and buildings to achieve their energy saving targets. They introduced and promoted a small group activities in identifying energy saving potentials and improve energy intensity performance in their plant. These small groups are consisting of personnel at the operational level and being supervised by engineers in the same plant.

10. All need to be done is to train these technical operational personnel either they from the level of engineer and lower. These are the people who know everything about how everything is being operated and maintained in the plant. By having trainings on energy management such as data collection and data gathering, basic operating fundamentals and how energy being used for of each equipment and common measures to save energy for each equipment and energy using process, they would be able to play significant roles in managing the energy intensity of the plant.

11. We need to have some assistance from external experts to achieve our energy saving target but let it be one of options when is needed rather than having them to sort out everything on how how we can save energy in our own plant.

12. It is important for our own personnel to understand the methods involved in identifying energy saving potentials in our plant such as the energy management system and process itself, energy audit, data required and data collection, measurements, monitoring and etc.

13. Developing in house capacity to manage energy will give the company more options and control and results that need to be achieved especially goals that has been set will become common goals that shared by everyone in the company.