Monday, September 15, 2014


I attended the stakeholders engagement at KeTTHA on 10 September.

It was Chaired by the Secretary General and presented by the undersecretary in-charge of drafting the NEEAP.

Below are my personal comments and observations from the session.

I was not a dialogue when it started...just about the undersecretary in-charge was the one who presented and keep telling the audience what the ministry's thought and what have been decided as responses to inputs to the draft NEEAP until I and representatives interrupted. On after that the session changed into more two-way traffic. 

The presenter started by trying to buy more time from showing historical back ground of EE development in Malaysia like in a seminar but failed to answer on some figures when questioned by some representatives.

In summary from the presentation on inputs and the way forward that the ministry plan to do is...all inputs given by stakeholders and public based on draft NEEAP were ignored and the draft remain as it is.

Few things that can be considered as positive from the engagement session...

  • They held the session finally after almost 3 years.
  • They committed to redraft the new EE law and the Secretary General promised to come up with the plan.
  • We(stakeholders invited and attended) managed to voice our concerns and sent our messages and common stands on the workable way of EE at national level straight to the ministry witnessed by all.

The representative from a centralized agency, EPU share almost the same views with industry players, need to review and address only the funding element in the draft National EE Master Plan(NEEMP) that has been developed and discussed extensively with stakeholders from 2009.

The chairman tried to trap all who attended to endorse their NEEAP draft at the end of the session which is a totally flawed document with key elements deleted unilaterally by the ministry  but  failed miserably.

They proved to us that they have been working syok sendiri with the NEEAP draft that they plan to table to the cabinet soon.

Industry players reassure their intention and commitment to work together and support the ministry to come up with a workable national EE plan.

The meeting acknowledged about the need to include thermal energy in EE law and not just for electricity.

Other notes
  • Stakeholders did not agree or endorse the draft NEEAP document that was drafted in isolation only by "EE experts" in the ministry itself only.
  • Malaysia need to take bold steps or making a leap in EE to be ahead of our regional neighbours  such as Thailand and Singapore and not  just trying to make baby steps with project based approaches for EE.
  • The presenter from the ministry failed to address and answer convincingly and correctly questions and arguments raised my those attended.
  • The chairman claimed that she was the one who decided the drafting of EE law in 2011 was suspended and the reason given was she felt the draft was a mirror image of the already enforced RE law( stakeholders were never consulted about that).

My conclusion.

The true barrier of the national plan  for EE now is the Secretary General and the under secretary in-charge for EE now with their arrogant and stubborn attitude where inputs and recommendations by stakeholders and public have not been considered at all.They try to show to us only they know best to move forward as against the the statement of the YAB PM where " the day where the government knows best is over".

More delay on EE implementation in more structured framework and holistic approach, more Malaysia will lose through energy wastage especially among intensive energy users. More waste of energy will mean more waste in money in money for subsidies as well.


Still so much to do since the ministry's through the Sec. Gen is taking the stand to work in isolation so far for the plan that  need to be proposed to the government instead of working  together with industry players and other stakeholders for EE.

It was a disappointing day  but at least we are much more clear on what is exactly has been the source of the problem for a workable National EE straregic plan to go further to the goverment.
I just need to digest all these inputs and try to figure out with others on what's next for us because giving up on these "little Napoleons" absolutely not an option.

The struggle continues for EE...